September Rains Return

While many consider the rain to be something that will put a dampener on their holiday experience, we are breathing a sign of relief as the September rains return in earnest. And we are not the only ones that are excited about the return of the: all of a sudden there are more butterflies around, the toucans are calling again, and hundreds of little birds are busily darting about collecting their seeds during the day as if to celebrate the cooler, more moist conditions. The rain-forest is alive again! 

July, August, and early September of 2015 have been well below average for rainfall and the gray clouds and cooler temperatures are a welcome respite from the hot dry days of the past few months. Historically, Belize does experience the "Mini Maga" - a short dry season of a few weeks that often falls somewhere around August and separates the humid downpours of June and July from the cooler rainy fronts of the fall - but this year was marked by a several month dryer spell with long periods of no rain at all.

Visitors to Belize during the past few months were probably greeted by clear hot days and blue skies for most of their vacation and may have been surprised, or even relieved by how dry it was.  Sunny days may be many people's ideal conditions for a tropical vacation, but we believe that a little rain when you are on vacation  in Belize is all a part of the experience. People are drawn to our lovely country in part because of it's lush verdant forests, and after all, there can be no rain-forest without rain. With this view in mind, one can see the rains for the blessing that they really are, even if they fall a little more than you would have liked during your Belize vacation.